Artwork has been preserved and shared throughout the world for centuries and, at EDICT, we cherish every work that we have been entrusted, embracing the incalculable responsibility to continue sharing this priceless part of culture.

Since 1991, we have demonstrated to the art world that we have always taken the utmost care in everything we do. From our highly experienced and specialized teams to our most sophisticated vehicles and facilities, EDICT provides an integral transport service with absolute dedication. At EDICT, we take great passion in what we do and this allows us to be internationally considered the valued professionals we are today. Safely and efficiently moving art worldwide is not only our main priority, it’s our promise.



From the preventive conservation of museum collections to international customs legislation. The entire process must be controlled at all times to minimize possible risks.

Fine art transport

The satisfaction of our customers is our contribution to art.
At EDICT we have the determination and commitment to always offer the highest level of satisfaction.

If you would like to receive more information about any of our services, please send us an email to info@edict.es, call +34 91 632 43 58 or fill out the following form.

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